
Whatever Happened to Twitch Streamer MissQGemini

Twitch fans like to keep up with all the fantastic players. After all, that’s precisely what the platform is designed for. Whether you’re a fan of esports or just want to see the masters in action, there are plenty of expert gamers to entertain you. MissQGemini was incredibly popular at one point, but that was before the scandal. Being accused of cheating in video games is not a crime, but on Twitch it is one of the worst things anyone can say about you. Naturally, he fought back, but eventually, the rumors seemed to be true. Where is she now? We wanted to know whatever happened to Twitch Streamer MissQGemini, so we looked her up and the answer might surprise you.

 First incident:

Cheating is a big problem. CS: GO players have certainly been caught before, but none as publicly as MissQGemini. During a live broadcast on Twitch, she began with a spiel about how she had been accused of cheating because she was a woman. After complaining that this was silly (in very graphic language), he proceeds to get down to business and start playing. In the recorded broadcast, it shows her loading a profile, which immediately shows the other players even if they are behind walls. Read more about daily talk for trending news.

She proceeds to play and then after a moment or two she apparently realizes that she is not the only one who can see what is going on. She then proceeds to ask if anyone else has had “this flaw” and says her friend Rock had it before, but she has it now. That lasts a few seconds and then he blames someone named “Clara”. She proceeds to explain that “Clara” has been banned for cheating before, then says that she let “Clara” use her computer earlier in the day. She insists that she trusted this cheater on her computer.

After insisting that “Clara” must have sneaked a cheater profile into her computer, she then mentions that she was watching Clara play. You might expect her to find out if the cheater was active while a known cheater was using her computer in front of her. Or maybe it’s still that glitch you first blamed on a friend you’re playing with.

Eventually, she signs the game, and that seems to be the end. Except for one little problem, it might have been the last we heard on the subject. Twitch is a live stream, and everything that happened was seen by everyone who was watching. From the stacked excuses that didn’t make sense to the spiel about how unfair it is for people to accuse her of cheating because of her gender, she shared the entire sad performance with the audience.


it was finally banned by VAC. Again, you might think Twitch would ban it as well, but from what we know, that never happened. After a massive backlash, MQG finally closed his account voluntarily. According to one Tweet, he was never banned from Twitch. However, he closed that account, and his attached personal Twitter account is private, with only about fifty subscribers. MissQGemini disappeared after that, only to be reborn with a new name in less than a week.


While there is some confusion, it appears that, at least according to Reddit’s Twitch Fails section, she was banned for a day and then changed her account name. That would allow you to keep your subscribers and keep playing without your stream showing up when people searched for it by its old name. For a time, MissQGemini became TheDjinnn, which actually allowed her to avoid bad press. She kept playing, but unlike other successful Twitchers who were attacked and kept their broadcasts, Clara, or MQG or The Djinnnn, did not make the grade. The account formerly known as The Djinnnn is also not available.

YouTube Ref:

MissQGemini, aka Haley Germaine, is not easy to find on the internet these days. He has completely disappeared from Twitch in light of the scandal. However, it seems that he did not completely give up on social media sites. Haley has a YouTube channel. It has videos about games, which is probably not a cool move. Unfortunately, it won’t be a great source of income since Haley only has twenty-four subscribers. Just eleven months ago, he uploaded a video of his performance. Sadly, YouTube won’t be much of a redemption for her either.


We know that in business some high-powered people say you should never apologize, but that’s not how it works with fans on social media. If you want to please the public again, and we’re not sure if that matters to you, then maybe a genuine apology is in order. The moral of the MissQGemini story is that you must not cheat. However, if you cheat, don’t do it live for other people to see. Also, if you’re going to cheat and get caught on a live stream doing it, don’t make up a crazy story after playing a full round with your cheats active. A sincere apology is something that most people can appreciate. Even when you were so wrong that you rant about how you don’t cheat right before you go live, saying you’re sorry will go a long way and mean you will go further.

Apparently cheating on Twitch isn’t Haley’s only problem. A few years ago, he also perpetuated a story about how he was dying of cancer. A gamer named Moh’Fuggah shared his story about interacting with Haley before she became famous on Twitch and later infamous as a cheater.


We’re pretty sure “Clara” didn’t accidentally force MissQGemini to cheat. It seems like the unfortunate Haley needs more than her own social media stardom. Where is she now? No one knows, but hopefully, after all the attention-grabbing stunts failed, Haley went looking for help. Being addicted to receiving negative attention is no different from other addictions. It is a serious problem that can ruin your life. More importantly, it can be treated. We hope her absence is the result of staying away from the temptations that led her down the path that made MissQGemini a maligned name in video games. Regardless, we would like to leave you with one final thought. Even cheaters are people. Haley made big mistakes and paid for them. Wherever you are now, we hope you are better, mentally at least, than where you were when you first started seeking care.

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