
5 Ways the Education System Can Be Reformed

Why is it that students often hate to go to school while the curriculum is made just for them? Why a majority of the students need to avail of professional urgent assignment help every time they are asked to solve a complex problem? Such questions really make us think – there must be something wrong with the education system.

Well, the traditional education system has been practice for long. And even though there have been certain changes in it throughout the years, the education system needs a reformation for a better future. Here are some ideas that have the potential to reform the education system for better.

  1. High-quality teachers:

No matter what reform strategy a country tries to pursue, the quality of an education system lies in the ability of the teachers. So, before we take any significant step, it is important to adopt policies that will help attract, prepare, support, reward, retain, and advance high-quality educators. It is important that countries start creating new frameworks and processes for training school leaders.

  1. Effective use of resources:

High educational expenditures don’t always guarantee high performance. As a matter of fact, the high-performing countries generally have relatively modest expenditure. They spend money quite differently than the countries that are performing average in terms of education. For instance, they don’t spend as much of their budget on administrative positions, sports or building. They usually target more resources at the students who need them the most.

  1. Ambitious standards:

Countries need to set ambitious, universal, and clear standards for all the students, especially at the national or state/provincial level. Since the majority of the countries have locally set standards, they lead to varying expectations of performance and lower achievement levels. It is important that the countries come together to create common standards across all jurisdictions. Until and unless the schools around the world start to follow international best practices, it will be difficult to develop a better education standard.

  1. Commitment to equity:

For a successful reform in the education system, countries need to focus on achieving equity in a strong and deliberate way. The systems which are performing well in today’s date use a number of approaches to minimize the impact of social background on the achievements of the students. Some of the major policies taken by the high-performing systems are equitable funding, establishing common high-expectations for every student, and ensuring high-quality teachers in schools.

  1. Student motivation and engagement:

A majority of the high-performing systems encourage students to study hard by offering both intrinsic and external incentives. For instance, in Asian schools, it is believed that the effort is more important than ability in achieving success. Finnish schools encourage ideas to discover and self-directed virtual learning. In the Ontario classrooms, the focus is on individualization. They have student success officers who work individually with students who need help.

While some of the measures are already in practice in some parts of the world, total implementation of such policies all over the world is still due. If the complete execution of the policies can be achieved, we will definitely see the much-needed reform in education.

Summary: Some level of change in the education system is due for a long time. This article discusses 5 major ways in which the education system can be reformed. Some of these ideas may have already started to take shape, while others need some time.

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