
Precast Manholes Save Time, Money & the Environment

While precast manholes aren’t a new idea, some of the materials being used to make them are, and they not only save time and money in the long run, but they save the environment too. Keep reading to learn more about precast manholes and why you should choose ones made from polymer concrete.

What are precast manholes?

When people think of manholes, they think of the heavy, metal circles they see in streets around the world. But those are manhole covers. Manholes are the structure installed under the surface to enable the installation of underground utilities, such as cables or sewer systems, and are often made out of concrete.

Precast manholes refer to when that manhole structure is formed off-site and simply inserted in the ground at the installation site. Precast manholes are usually comprised of a manhole frame, a bottom flange, a top flange, and a cover. These parts are joined together on site before being lifted into position.

The alternative to a precast manhole is called a cast in place structure because casts are made where the structure will be, and concrete is poured into them in place.

Advantages of Using Precast Concrete Manholes

Precast manholes have a few advantages over the cast in place construction.

First, precast concrete manholes are easier to install, which means that they can be faster to install as well. Because the structure is formed off-site, the structure simply needs to be placed into position once on-site. This can speed up installation jobs because the precast manhole structure can be made off-site while the ground is being prepared, and then installed right away. There is no waiting on forms to be built, or concrete to dry onsite.

Second, they can be more resistant to cracking due to their strength when made with the right materials, such as polymer concrete, which would not do well being formed onsite. When precast manhole structures are formed off of the job site, and under ideal conditions, you get a better overall structure with less air pockets, increasing strength and durability.

Third, precast manholes leave less of a mess, which is actually a big win for the environment. There are no wasted, leftover, or trashed materials, such as wood and rebar from building the forms. Additionally, not as much dirt needs to be removed, keeping the earth intact and limiting the potential damage to the environment. Additionally, as with the strength, when a material such as polymer concrete is used, the in-ground system typically lasts for a minimum of two times the lifespan of a traditional concrete manhole structure, meaning less materials are used, and less work needs to be done. All of this is great for the environment.

Precast Polymer Concrete Manholes Are the Answer

Polymer concrete is a type of concrete that is created using polymer and cement. It has a lot of benefits over traditional concrete – it’s one-fifth the weight, it’s waterproof, and it can last up to 100 years. Not only is it waterproof, but it is corrosion proof, making it much more favorable over traditional concrete. When used to make precast manhole structures, it can save companies and municipalities time and money, while saving the environment. Consider choosing a precast polymer concrete manhole for your next project. You’ll be the hero saving your company time and money, and you’ll save the environment too!


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