
Setup Simple Website For Business at Home from Godaddy

In this article, I will walk you through 6 easy steps to create a website or blog for your business from home. I recommend owning your own website, even if the opportunities associated with it provide you with an affiliate link.

The platform I will use is WordPress. With WordPress, you can create a blog, or you can create pages and post comments and use it like a normal website, that’s what I do.

I like the WordPress format because it’s so easy. You don’t need to know any HTML code. Those of you who like me need a website but don’t have the time to learn HTML or have the money to pay someone else for you … this tutorial is great Will be helpful

Before you get started, you’ll need to open 3 tabs in your browser. In the first tab, log in to your email. On the second tab, visit On the third tab, go to By opening these three tabs you will easily switch between websites as we go back and forth in creating everything.

  • Select a domain name.

Ideally, you want your site to be the name of your business. This will make it easier for people to remember the name of your website.

If you need a site that is not dedicated to a single company but potentially to a group of affiliate products that you are trying to promote, you can use your name as your domain name. Would like to use

It allows you to brand yourself instead of your business. In this case, you want to add some information about yourself so that people can know you.

People buy from people they know and trust.

  • Enter your domain name.

Personally, I use to register my domain names. They are easy to service and their prices are generally competitive.

On your homepage, there will be a box that will help you find the availability of your domain name.

When setting up a domain you always want it to be “.com” and not “.info” or “.NET”. .Com is something most people will easily remember … and that’s what we’re looking for.

Also, I do not recommend using hyphens in your name (such as Scripts make things easier to read, but harder to remember. When someone talks about your site, they won’t remember all the scripts. They will tell their friends about bobstays games and try If you do not remember the scripts, your user can visit the user’s website.

Signing up for GoDaddy is very simple and easy. Once you have selected the domain you want, you can proceed with the domain purchase process. Once you have paid for your domain, we will switch to hosting.

  • Set up hosting for your domain name.

Hosting provides a home for your domain name. The hosting company will have several computers connected to the Internet. When you place your domain name on their computer, you make your domain available to everyone on the Internet.

It’s like starting a city business. You must first register your business with the County Business Licensing Office (by selecting a domain name). Then I’ll find a place to set up shop … a rented building on Main Street or a rented suite in an office building. It is hosting. You are renting a place to host your website.

There are many good hosting companies out there. Personally, I use Host Gator is easy to use. That’s what we’re looking for … simplicity.

On the homepage, you need to select “View web hosting plans” and then choose which one is right for you. If you are just starting out, a ‘Parent Plan’ or a ‘Children’s Plan’ might be a great idea for you. The only difference is the domains that can be hosted.

Complete your account setup (which is very easy. just follow the HostGator’s instructions) and then check your email for a confirmation email from the host. This confirmation email will provide you with two unnamed servers: NS1 and NS2.

This can also be a Hostgator verification email. If they need confirmation, the easiest way to do this is to call 800 and verify their information.

  • Change your nameservers in GoDaddy.

So you got your email and scrolled into the email pane, which lists the servers in your name. Sign in to your account with GoDaddy (if you don’t already have one).

You will see a section called “Fields” on the homepage of your account. Your domain name should appear in this section. On the right, there will be a “View Domain Manager” link in the address bar with “Domains” on the left. Click “View Domain Manager”.

It displays your domain name under the address bar, which includes a list of various options such as “Edit”, “Block”, “Submit” and “Update”.

Select your domain by checking the box on the right and then clicking “Name Server” at the top.

A new window will open. There will be 4 options. The lower option will say “Pig names are defined for my domains”. That’s what you want to choose. Below this selection, there will be boxes where you can enter the name received from the host in your email. Copy and paste both names into the appropriate fields. (For example, NS1 Name: In an email, you would copy the name and paste it into Server 1 box.)

Then click OK.

GoDaddy told us that we no longer need to host sites. This change can take up to 24 to 8 hours to take effect, so typing your address directly into the browser will keep Goddy from seeing the ad until it is moved.

My de Lucie fantasies

The same confirmation message that comes with your name makers will also include a link to your website’s control panel. This link will also include the username and password in the email. You will need access to the control panel.

Click the link, a new tab should open, then enter your username and password. This will open your control panel.

Your dashboard includes many useful features and information. For example, in the left sidebar, you have the option to choose the amount of traffic to your site. Under the Domains section, you can redirect a website or create subdomains. After creating your website, I suggest you spend some time on my dashboard and familiarize yourself with the different features.

Now go to the section called Programs / Services. This section will be at the bottom of the page. In this episode, you will see a smiling blue face titled “Fantastic de Luxi”. Click on the smiling face.

This will open Fantasy Home. In the left sidebar, there will be a list of scripts that can be installed. We want to choose WordPress. This will be in the “Blog” section.

A new page will appear after selecting WordPress. On this page, we want to select “New Installation”. The second page will be taken back.

This is where we choose the domain where we want to install WordPress: Select your domain next to “Upload to domain”. Below this, it will read “Install to Directory”. Leave this field blank.

In the next two boxes below, you’ll choose your username and password to access your WordPress blog.

Finally, in the last box, you will place your email in the box next to “Admin Email” and then click “Install WordPress”.

Improve your blog/website.

As I said at the beginning, although we use the blog layout, it does not need to be a blog format. You can create pages, turn off comments on each page, and use WordPress to create your own website.

WordPress is probably one of the easiest programs to use and is already included in your hosting costs, so you don’t have to pay extra (bonus !!).

WordPress offers many different themes to choose from. It also offers a number of additional components. Plugins are computer programs that work with the host application in the case of WordPress to provide some functionality.

For example, one of the plugins I use on my WordPress site is “PageRank”. This plugin allows me to edit the pages as I wish.

If you need a special functionality, you can find the plugin from your previous office in WordPress, download whatever you want, and start using it now.

As such popular software, when you do a Google search on Google you will find a lot of information about WordPress. This will also be helpful if you have any concerns or questions.

I don’t know about you, but I can fix it in 5 minutes by running a Google search, I need to contact my programmer or website designer instead of this problem. Fix it (without saying they will charge me – Google search is free godaddy email sign in.)

These 6 steps will help you build a website and fill it with content, videos and detail that will help your business grow. I hope you have found this lesson easy and simple and as a master, you will express your best wishes in your new adventure.

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