
Why Should You Migrate From Magento 1 to Magento 2?

In any business, migration and upgradation both have the same purpose i.e. better performance. The performance of ecommerce software solutions can be measured based on how easy it is for the customers to explore and shop in it, or how fast it is loading and opening its different pages on clicking.

As far as Magento is concerned, it is about eCommerce development, and parameters like website loading time, the content present in it, images used and their size, and many more, are considered for ranking the search results on SERP i.e. Search Engine Result Page. Our subject of this article is why Magento migration is required, and why should you migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2 for your next eCommerce business idea?

Before moving to that should not we glimpse over the other factors that are considered by usually any search engine, and specifically by Google to rank its website results in the SERP? Also, these reasons would take you over the unwillingness to go through the not so easy process of migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

Here are they-

Magento 2 Offers Php 7 Support:

Concerning first about the Php 7 only, we should know that how better it is from its previous version i.e. Php 5.6. Experts suggest that Php 7 is around 3 times faster than the last version and has scalar-type hints as well, along with manually applicable strict mode features. It can simply be understood that by this up-gradation of Php7, programming is also getting intelligent like other advanced technologies around us.

Moving on to Magento 2 migration, Php7 is the best reason to migrate for, if not anything else.

Unlike other CMSs, you may not need to depend on the built-in plugins and limited customization abilities. Magento 2 allows you to play with all the features and customization with Php 7 to accelerate your eCommerce store with it.

Modern Tech Stack It Is:

It is one of the latest technology stack versions from Magento itself as a parent platform. There are a few minimum versions supported for every essential dimension including database management, development, designing such as MySQL 5.6, HTML5 & Php 5.6, and CSS3 respectively.

If you are willing to not migrate and continue with the existing Magento version of yours, here are a few I have managed to collect that are probable to happen-

Probabilities, if you continue with Magento 1:

  • Security could be compromised

It is quite comprehensible for everyone that with time, the older assets get vulnerable. Therefore, you would never wish to keep your eCommerce store in a vulnerable state and your customers’ data in a less secure place. The bots and spam would continuously be bothering you, which is a possibility.

  • Less Competitiveness

You would observe most of the competitors migrating into the next version and performing better by enhancing their store’s speed even more through upgrades. If you wish to stay with your existing Magento ecommerce version, you would miss the features offered by Magento 2 to boost your Magento store’s customer experience.

  • End of it: No support

There is a term trending these days in the enterprise software development world as ‘End of it’, especially for development platforms or their versions. It technically means that the support and additions to the library would end up. However, it has nothing to do with its literal meaning which signifies that the solutions built upon them, would end up being closed very soon. No!

It is just that you have to take care of your modifications on your own and should stop expecting that anything new would be coming soon in the library as an upgrade.

Magento has already stopped its release of security patches from mid-2020 for Magento 1. This, I hope, would be another big reason to migrate to Magento 2 for your next E-commerce project.

  • Extensions would not be easily available

As is mentioned above, that the parent company would not be going to add anything to its library but third-party helpers would of course not stop anyways. It is up to you whether to keep on going relying on third-party support or to migrate into a credible part.

  • Expertise would shift

Not necessarily the technology, but the experts would also shift their domain with time. Post the arrival of Magento 2, things would shift towards the same and you might rarely get any tech expert specifically for your niche.

Magento 2 Has Brought Easy Extension Update:

That minimum version acceptability isn’t something to be underestimated. If it binds you to be updated with the specific versions at a minimum level, it renders you with the faster execution engine on the other hand simultaneously.

To say, Php has a lot more versions behind Php 7.0, but the minimum version adaptable for Magento 2.0 and above is Php 5.6, which reduces all the limitations which were otherwise included.

Database Segmentation:

When there is a singular database, website overloading becomes a general issue for which the DBMS handler is to bother quite frequently. Post segmentation of the database into three segments, Magento 2 allows for liberalized use of the front end having multiple users in the admin panel already. You are only required to hire dedicated developers who can manage things at the admin end as well as on the front end.

Easy Admin Panel:

Experts, as well as developers, have suggested that the admin panel has now transformed into a much cleaner shape along with an easier learning curve to offer to its users.

First, because of Php7, and second due to database segmentation, product creation becomes easier. Setting up of new products

The best thing for administrators especially is that one can design and develop the admin panel without any programming expertise due to the drag and drop functionality that Magento 2 has embedded in itself.

Even Better Customization:

The redesigned codebase of Magento 2 offers a structure where everything related to a module lies under a single directory of that module.

Moreover, the separation of business logic and presentation logic makes customization and its maintenance easy.

The Magento 2 platform now uses the de facto PHP package manager, Composer to manage the installation of modules.

M-commerce Friendly:

M-commerce has become the most prevalent demand in ecommerce development. Website development company experts suggest that Magento 2 offers a touch-friendly user experience to its mobile users. Moreover, with this upgrade, Magento has transformed itself into more like its sister-like CMSs which are user-friendly from the development point of view.

Now, with Magento 2 as well, a user can develop his desired solution be it a mobile application or a website, up to a certain level by just dragging the desired extension or plugin into the panel or section part.

Magento 1 isn’t susceptible to this easier mobile application development. And as per the stats all around, things are going to divert towards mobile commerce very soon, which would not be possible for Magento users without migration into Magento 2.

Payment Gateway Integration is Easier:

Payment integration, as well as the security of payments and transactions through Magento ecommerce solution, are very eased in the Magento 2.3.3.

It comes with the default payment gateway integration and saves you from the hustle required for a fresh and typical integration process which requires an agile look after the entire development process.

In the Nutshell:

Magento migration could be difficult for those who are using Magento 1 from the beginning. But then we have tools and simply good software migrations and upgrades services providing companies like A3logics. Just make sure that you’ll get enough width over the vision, for how Magento 2 would be going to change your next Ecommerce business?

Do not miss to ask for adequate strategy before migration, how they will be going to implement it, will the business be going to pause (if existing already) or they could manage it without hampering the business.

Author’s Bio:

Scarlett is a Senior Technical Writer and is associated with A3logics for over a couple of years. She has a keen interest in IT professional services and is often found struggling with some unique topics for her upcoming projects. Discussing the latest developments with the technical team is the most she remains excited about. When not working on any of her writing projects, she is either reading any of the Agatha Christie mysteries or busy gardening.

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