
Linux Shared Hosting – A Cheap Hosting Solution for beginners


Are you new to the world of the web hosting industry?

Are you not well aware of hosting servers’ technicalities for the web business?

Are you just starting off with making your business available to web users?

If any of these is the case, you must be seeking the affordable, reliable, and right hosting solution. And, fortunately, you have come down to the right place.

Here you will get insights into the Linux shared hosting that serves as the perfect choice for beginners or for those who are just beginning with their online business.

Let’s begin!

What is Linux Shared Hosting?

In simple terms, Linux shared web hosting is a service where you host your website on a server having Linux running at its base. The server is shared among numerous users to host their websites. Further, Linux is an operating system that provides an open-source platform and can be accessed for free. The Linux OS was developed in 1991 for Intel x86-based computers.

However, since then, it has become one of the most popular and most-wanted open-source for an extensive variety of systems in the industry. Another operating system that gained recognition for the same is Windows. There has always been a tough battle while picking any one of them for shared hosting.

Jump to the next section to know which among the Windows and Linux shared hosting can be the best solution for your web business beginning, however, there are many hosting providers like Cloudways, wpengine, kinsta, siteground. But Cloudways is the best kinsta alternative and for the rest as well.

Difference between Linux Shared Hosting and Windows Shared Hosting

Windows comes as a product of Microsoft Corporation. Unlike Linux OS, it is not free. You require a license to run the system with Windows. This makes the cost of the shared hosting plan with Windows somewhat more expensive than the Linux shared hosting. As a beginner, you would surely not want to add up the cost of the hosting services when you already have many things to save money for and invest in.

Furthermore, with the Linux shared hosting India, you can employ various essential applications that are required for an efficient business website. For instance, PHP, Python, CGI, Pearl, etc. Whereas Windows provides its support to the applications such as ASP or ASP.NET. But both these applications are complicated to utilize for a beginner. Thus, Linux shared hosting makes more sense in this case as well.

Additionally, the best Linux shared hosting provides a more enhanced and range of features than the Windows shared hosting. Also, you can make use of those features free of cost. Thus, the shared hosting with Linux OS provides much more stability for the commencement of your web business.

Advantages of Shared Linux Hosting

Here are the significant benefits of the Linux shared hosting that helps in giving the kick start to your web business and, you must know. Check them out!

Less Cost involved

One of the most vital advantages of the shared hosting with Linux is the least cost involved. You host your website with hundreds and thousands of other users on a shared server. Also, the web resources are shared among all users residing on the server. This makes the hosting service cost much more affordable than other hosting services.

Moreover, Linux shared hosting makes it further cheaper for you. That is because, as stated before, Linux is an open-source platform and you do not have to pay anything to utilize it for hosting. Thus, for obvious reasons, you can find many companies offering cheap Linux shared hosting in India. Oftentimes, a Linux-based hosting service can let you acquire many free and modern scripts. For example, Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, phpBB, etc.


With the Linux shared hosting, you get the privilege to bring many things to the platform. For instance, you can develop a blog, website, and multimedia applications. You can also create forums and many other online entities. All these can be done with utmost ease and efficiency with Linux OS. Moreover, the Linux operating system incorporates a GNU or General Public License. That means you can utilize it for various distributions, including SUE Linux, Red Hat, and Ubuntu. Therefore, you can interpret that a shared server with Linux OS proves to provide maximum flexibility.


The Linux operating system is the one, which was created first among all others. It has proven itself highly secure from time to time. Also, it is highly known for its simplicity with its user-friendly interface. Thus, it will not be wrong to say that, with Linux shared hosting, it is definite to acquire high reliability.

Plenty of Choices

Unlike the proprietary operating system such as Windows or Apple, you do not have to employ a specific structure with Linux. Linux renders a customizable system. You also acquire a large array of free software that enables you to operate any applications that suit your website. Thus, you can mix and match the operating system that you desire to run.

Managed by professionals

The most desirable point for Linux shared hosting is that you can always have support from professionals. The environment of the Linux operating system is managed by professionals. They consistently update the faults of Linux and upgrade it to its better version.

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Get Started with The Best Linux Shared Web Hosting Provider

Let us make your task of finding the best Linux shared hosting provider easier. Wise Solution is one of the best web hosting company in India. It provides the most secure and cheapest hosting solutions to enterprises, individuals, and goal-specific web businesses from multiple domains. You will obtain world-class facilities from the company along with the following benefits –

  • 24/7/365 Technical and customer support from the highly qualified and experienced professionals
  • 7-Day Money Back Guarantee with unsatisfied hosting services
  • Instant Deployment
  • Assured optimal performance with 99.99% uptime, high-tech network connectivity, unmatched speed, and premium bandwidth
  • High-level security measures including data encryption, SSL certificate, and DDoS protection
  • 100% SSD storage.


After having learned much about Linux shared hosting, you as a beginner do not have to think twice to employ it for your web business. In general, you can discover that the maximum number of web developers, webmasters, web designers, and bloggers profit from Linux hosting over any other type of hosting. To acquire better knowledge about the leading Linux shared hosting services, you can also connect with Wise Solution experts anytime. Moreover, you can check out the company’s website to grab further details –

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